Has your character got some downtime? Struggling for ideas about what they get up to? Look no further than the Sojourn Hot Sauce oracle.

If you’d like some extra guidance begin by rolling on the flavour table. Otherwise, roll up an adjective and a noun and envision what your character gets up to.

Optional: Roll the tables the number of times equal to your character's Heart stat and create a small vignette.


Flavour: (5) Cultural Event

Adjective: (59) Stirring

Noun: (66) Cermony

“As Beckett walks through the dusty streets of Hoshida, the twin suns slowly drifting downward, he notices a mass of settlers gathering in the town square. He approaches and watches from a distance as the elders present a young woman with a Black Iron pendant. She kneels as they solomly place it around her neck, then rising to her feet, she leaps from the daias and embraces two others. Her friends? Her parents? As Beckett, stands pondering their identities, he finds himself unconsciously touching his own iron totem, a reknewed determination in his heart for the trials ahead.”

Hot Sauce Flavour (Optional)

D6 Flavour
1 Companionship
2 Food & Drink
3 Music
4 Amusement
5 Cultural Event
6 Landmark

Downtime Adjective

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Welcoming Hearty Icy Fragrant Joyous Reverent
2 Opulent Serene Rustic Vibrant Intimate Flourishing
3 Resilient Radiant Intricate Gleaming Sturdy Pristine
4 Cozy Simple Lavish Stormy Pungent Genteel
5 Lush Majestic Bright Sparkling Wild Gentle
6 Exotic Forbidden Brisk Alluring Sleazy Plush
7 Austere Sultry Withered Palatial Secluded Spacious
8 Luminous Echoing Mystical Fanciful Creative Kaleidoscopic
9 Harmonious Lively Peaceful Inviting Stirring Soothing
0 Delicate Beautiful Magical Captivating Spellbinding Enchanting

Downtime Noun

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Carnival Steam Beacon Intoxication Temple Relic
2 Native Grove Craftsmanship Echo Calm Feast
3 Performance Respite Blues Solidarity Oasis Merriment
4 Festival Harmoy Celebration Banquet Homestead Glitter
5 Fantasy Vision Sanctuary Gallery Insight Story
6 Silence Monument Passion Mosaic Harmony Ceremony
7 Symphony Dance Steam Drink Flavour Intoxication
8 Merriment Harvest Carnival Tradition Experience Twilight
9 Celebration Oasis Prosperity Hope Reminder Symphony
0 Gallery Spice Whisper Guide Arena Glow


This oracle was inspired by Rossum’s excellent Starforged Sojourner.

Sojourn Move and Heart stat are part of Starforged, which belongs to Shawn Tomkins

License and Use

CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International